Say it isn’t so! Look at the fascinating research that comes out of the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). In the latest issue of their magazine: “Large portions can lead to overeating” Really? I had no idea! Basically, they took a bunch of kids, and gave them double sized portions, and surprise,surprise they ate 15% […]
Author: fool
A Clinic Horror Story or Why are people so into “Natural”
So the fool was in clinic recently, and discovered a very alarming story. An unfortunate woman presented with a many month history of an exophytic, ulcerated, pedunculated breast cancer that was bulging out of one side of her chest! However, most alarming was that instead of opting for neo-adjuvant therapy, XRT etc… she was bent […]
More Site updates, and Links Editors Wanted
Hey Everyone! We’re hard @ work, adding new features to the site. Lots of minor bug fixes to the blog today, added email a friend functionality. Also fixed some errors in theMedfools Shop We’re going to begin a Link Library, you can see the beta version @ If you have any links or categories you’d […]
New! Detailed Ebay Auction Searches
Now that we’re all set on the new server, got the email up and running, we’ve also got a new feature! The Ebay on Medfools has been completely revamped, adding new search functionality, and more! Enjoy!
Isn’t it nice when Patients aren’t nuts?
So, you know how it goes in clinic? Fool’s Rule #1: The more complaints a patient has, the less likely anything real is actually happening to them. When a patient comes in with a laundry list of chief complaints, your eyes begin to glaze over, and you can’t help but wonder what you’re going to […]
Server Moved!
Ok! The Server has been updated… Just a few days for website propagation around the world! Should be 100% functional by next week. Bear with us for any server/script outages!