Residency Flashes Before Your Eyes

Did you know that you can relive years of residency within a period of hours? It’s true! Recently, this Fool was taking the dreaded American Board of Internal Medicine certifying exam, and so many questions jog your memory: the attending who compares patient positioning in the ICU to a BBQ rotisserie, Mr Smith who never […]

Medfools Joins The Fight Against Cancer, You Can Too!

Medfools has received a request to help solicit medical professional help in testing a new PDA based program for the American Cancer Society. Here is the info. The American Cancer Society is working to make diagnosing, tracking, and preventing cancer easier for doctors, with a free handheld program called C-Tools 2.0. C-Tools aims to be […]

The Resident Match is safe… for now!

According to the American College of Physicians website: Judge dismisses residents’ suit against the Match A federal judge last week dismissed all claims in a class-action suit brought by several former residents against the National Resident Matching Program, several medical associations and more than two dozen medical schools and teaching hospitals. The two-year old suit […]

Happy Birthday to Us!

Hello Everyone and today is the “official” birthday of! We have been out here for two years now! =) From a couple page site, we’ve grown to include Reviews, Shopping, and tons more! Our personal statement library for the Match may be the biggest one on the web (at least for free). Thanks to […]

I”m not a fish doctor, dammit! (Or, I need fish Cefipime)

So, the Fool happens to be an avid Marine Reef fish fanatic, and recently had the misfortune of purchasing some fish that came down with some strange fish disease, chief complaint of cloudy fish eye (think of it as a fish glaucoma), later contracted by my little Nemo (clownfish), who started exhibiting some strange twitching […]