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Author: fool
Residency and Pre-Med Personal Statement Library now Double in Size!
Hello, Just wanted to let everyone know that our Personal Statement Library is now 2x as big! We’ve got TONS of personal statement examples from all different residency fields, including internal medicine, neurology, pathology, and more! All this and still just 3 grams of net carbs! Enjoy!
Fool Spotted @ Home Depot
So, the Fool was out at Home Depot yesterday, doing some home improvement shopping, when confronted by a patient in the Checkout line! First time this has happened… “Hey doctor! My rash is getting worse”, he says. So, I took a second to give some free advice, and we’ll see. Just goes to show you […]
Primary Care and Family Practice Down Again in 2005 Match
According to the latest issue of the AMA News there has been an overall downtrend of primary care match applicants and filled spots. Family medicine has been hit especially hard. US seniors matching in family medicine declined from 2340 in 1997 to only 1117 in 2005. (Other spots went to international graduates) This makes up […]
More Scutsheets in the Downloads Section Added
Thanks to a few generous folks, there have been a few additions to the Medfools Downloads page, including a new super detailed medicine scutsheet we like to call “Heavy Duty”, and one quickie sheet for those busy Labor and Delivery call nights. Thanks to those who shared =) If anyone else has more you’d like […]
Happy Resident Match Day 2005 !
Congratulations to everyone who matched this year in the 2005 National Resident Matching Program! Now that you have all found the place you will toil away =) the next three to seven years of your life as interns and residents you can RELAX! Hopefully you’ve also taken USMLE Step 2 already, so you can truly […]