Applying to Medical School or Residency Match?
Medfools can help with your personal statement!Need help reading over your pre-med personal statement,or essays for your application or Secondaries? Do you need help with your NRMP Residency Match Personal Statement?
The Fool has completed Medical School, has been part of the Admissions Committee and Interview Committee at a major CA public medical School, as well as a residency selection committee at a large training program. In addition, The Fool has read over one thousand Med School and residency application essays and helped many students in their applications for residency match!Unlike other “professional” services who charge hundreds of dollars for their “consulting services”, we’re not out to get rich, just help people along and give you an honest opinion. Other services claim Harvard trained Essay Readers: When was the last time one of them sat on an Admissions Committee for Residency or Med School? For the price of a large pizza and a side of buffalo wings, the Fool will read your essay or personal statement, and give you an honest opinion! Usually in less than 3 days!
What have you got to lose? You’re going to spend thousands travelling and interviewing for the place you’re going to spend the next 3-7 years of your life, don’t you want the best chance possible?
Remember that your contribution covers the time it takes an MD to carefully critique your Personal Statement, and the funds go directly to running this free and informational website.Here are suggested levels for contribution, based on the needs of each personal statement essay.

Curbside Consult $70
This is for applicants who are native speakers of English with strong writing skills. You have spent many hours revising your personal statement but would like an opinion from the Fool who has read hundreds of essays. Overall you are confident your personal statement is solid, but need an extra opinion. Please do not expect a revision if your essay is ready for the curbside consult.

Full Consult $90
The Full Consult is for applicants who are non-native speakers of Englishand who have had their essay read by a friend for most grammar issues. The essay has all the major ideas in it already. This is also for English speakers who feel their essay really needs a lot of work (or has “writer’s block” and just isn’t sure what to say. The writer isn’t sure of the content of the essay, and needs help on the essay including content, tone, overall theme. You will recieve an opportunity to revise your essay.

Critical Care Consult $105
For applicants who have written an essay and know that the essay still needs significant work including helping with the style, paragraph formatting, content, and length. This is especially helpful for International Graduates who are non-native speakers, and feel the essays likely need significant editing.
Step 1: Contribute via PayPal:
Due to the overwhelming response and inflow of personal statements, we’re going to ask that you please send us a contribution in advance of returning personal statements. Please drop your contribution into the piggy bank, then send us your personal statement.
Step 2: Send your essay below
Email your Personal statement to us Please attach your personal statement in the email.PLEASE remember to spell check your document before submitting it.
(Please name the filename “yourname.doc”, also please let us know how you made your contribution) Note: Please send your file as Microsoft Word (preferred) or plain text documents.
Step 3: Await your revisionThe Fool tries hard to revise most essays within 72 hours (usually faster), except weekends, holidays. If you have not heard from us in 3 days, please email us to ensure that we received your personal statement. Occasional network or email virus/spam problems may have affected your email.If you have questions, drop us an email
Note: By submitting your Personal Statements to “The Fool” for revision, you agree that they may be edited, revised, commented on and published in the future in our online personal statements gallery (after being made anonymous) or otherwised published my Medfools.com in any format.
More Testimonials:
“Thank you for checking my Statement. Now I realized what is lacking and what went wrong last year.”
“Thank You! You were a really big help. You saw everything the personal statement lacked and were correct! I’m going to tell my friend about the website!!”
“Thanks a lot for taking time to review my personal statement. I have noted down the suggestions you have mentioned. Your comments are excellent and I will try to improve the
personal statement by incorporating your feedback. “
” Great advice… really hit home for me… I think you’re right on all points. I’m a very frank and honest person myself, so I really appreciate your candor. I’m gonna make the necessary changes asap, and if you don’t mind, I’ll send you a revamped PS as soon as I’m done for your [second] opinion.”
“I am really grateful to you for your comments and providing me a different insight into my personal statement. I am going to practically rewrite it. ”
Need more convincing? What people are saying about our Personal Statement Advice:
“Your comments were genius. Awesome. Looks really great. I’ve sent it to a few docs and was told they would grant me an interview just based on the PS! “
“Thank you so much for your comments! They’ve helped me not only refine my statement, but feel much more secure as I submit my residency applications.”
“Thank you very much for your excellent work and great help again. Now I definitely love my personal statement very well. I am going to recommend you to all my friends as they need to improve their PS. Thanks again for your trustful and helpful work.”
” Thank you very much for the corrections you made to my personal statement. Now it looks wonderful.”
“Thanks a lot for taking time to review my personal statement. I have noted down the suggestions you have mentioned. Your comments are excellent and I will try to improve the
personal statement by incorporating your feedback. “
” Great advice… really hit home for me… I think you’re right on all points. I’m a very frank and honest person myself, so I really appreciate your candor. I’m gonna make the necessary changes asap, and if you don’t mind, I’ll send you a revamped PS as soon as I’m done for your [second] opinion.”
” I found your advice on my original PS to be VERY helpful and eye-opening… so much so that I wrote a brand new PS! “
Thank-you for all your assistance! You have transformed my personal statement to look like a work of art. I really appreciate it. ”
“For the first time, I feel like my essay is worthy of my application. Thank you for your help”
“My pathology statement is much better after being edited by MedFools.com. The changes to the overall structure, grammar, and words are excellent. It became very smooth. Yes, it is well worth the amount I donated. I am glad I didn’t go to other places like E*****. I definitely would like to recommend your website to friends.”
“Thank you so much for the help. I really appreciate it. I think my PS looks more presentable now.”
“Thanks for the comments! It gave me confidence that the essay is ‘ready to go’…will definitely take your editing advice”
“Thanks for the sensible advice from fools at Medfools, we are very impressed (we were skeptical about all the websites out there who appeared more inclined on helping themselves). Thank you for the great work and posting valuable information on your website”
“Thank you so much for your help & instant response , your review is great & a real eye opener.”
“Thank you so much for your comments! They’ve helped me not only refine my statement, but feel much more secure as I submit my residency applications.”
“Hi Fool, you helped my sister a ton last year applying to Emed and she matched successfully”
“Thank you very much for the review and your service is outstanding. I will recommend it to my friends. I have never seen someone going through every line and offering such detailed suggestions. Great job! and I am very comfortable with my PS now.”
“Thank you very much for your feed back on my Personal statement.The small changes I made following your sugesstions changed the whole look of my PS it definitely looks more professinal now.Iwould certainly recommend to all my freinds.”
“Thank you very much for your excellent work and great help again. Now I definitely love my personal statement very well. I am going to recommend you to all my friends as they need to improve their PS. Thanks again for your trustful and helpful work.”
“Thanks a great deal for reviewing my personal statement. I will make
all the changesyou suggested. Also thanks you for your encouranging words. This really gave me a boost as I was very apprehensive.”
“Thanks for the sensible advice from fools at Medfools, we are very impressed (we were skeptical about all the websites out there who appeared more inclined on helping themselves). Thank you for the great work and posting valuable information on your website”
” Thanks so much for your revisions. I agree with all of them. I knew its was too long after finishing it, but it was hard for me to pick parts to edit
out. I really like what you did and feel its a much more concise version of
the message I was trying to get across. Thanks again, I’m definitely
spreading the word about how helpful you were to classmates.”
” I found your advice on my original PS to be VERY helpful and eye-opening… so much so that I wrote a brand new PS! ”
“Thanks for the comments! It gave me confidence that the essay is ‘ready to go’…will definitely take your editing advice”