FP Residency Personal Statement

The Medfools Family Medicine Sample Residency Personal Statement Library is now open!

These sample Family Medicine personal statement examples are here for your viewing pleasure (fully anonymous). We’re hoping to add more in the future, including Pre-Med personal statements. If you’ve got one to add to the free library, don’t forget to contribute yours.

“ Some men see things as they are and say, WHY; I dream of things that never were and say, WHY NOT” –Robert Frost. 

With this dream and vision along with many years of hard work and dedication, I am ready to embark in the exciting field of Family Medicine. Family Medicine adds a unique element to the practice of medicine that is very important: empathy. Family Physicians have compassionate beliefs and display caring values towards patient care. My choice to enter the area of Family Medicine expands this fascination and I am content, confident, and certain with this decision. 

Beginning with grade school and throughout medical school, I made every effort to become the person and the physician I imagined. I learned early that two qualities produce a great physician: leadership and dedication. I realized ahead of time the importance of leadership and commitment as I participated in various sport activities in college. I enjoyed volunteering for my church in the community outreach program where I coordinated our youth group to assist various homeless shelters in Detroit. I later had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for undergraduate and medical students in Anatomy class. I have gained many experiences by contributing to others the unselfish attitude, understanding, and dedication needed to be a respectful leader.

I was devoted to reach my aspirations of becoming a physician when I left my family and loved ones to attend the basic science portion of medical school abroad. This experience not only provided me with an outstanding and solid medical education, but also allowed me to mature and grow personally and professionally. I had the unique opportunity to discover how medicine was conducted in the Caribbean and to apply what I learned there to better my skills here at home. During my third year of clinical rotations in medical school, I was selected by the attending physician to lead my Internal Medicine group and to co-lead in my Surgery and Psychiatry clerkships. Furthermore, I was chosen by my Internal Medicine attending to work as a student assistant. My obligations were to admit, conduct a thorough physical exam and history, write progress notes, and dictate discharge summaries on detoxification patients. I learned to be proficient in patient management and to carry responsibilities in a structured and competent manner. These experiences have provided me the tools and knowledge to become the physician I want to be. 

Many of the achievements I have attained are due to the encouragement and help of my family. Born in California and raised in New York, my parents have inspired in me the strong moral principles and loyalty that have made me the person I am today. Being the oldest of five children, our family was a close group largely because of our spiritual faith. Church service and fellowship was an integral part of our family upbringing and continues to be a vital part of my life. I am also exceptionally grateful for my wife for her immeasurable love and support. 

Family Medicine best balances my abilities and assures my career ambitions. During my clinical rotations in Large City, I observed many aspects of medicine. I enjoyed working with patients in every age range and particularly enjoyed helping and solving their individual problems. The philosophy of Family Medicine is what especially appeals to me. It is important to me the idea of the continuity of care, being an active advocate, and most importantly to provide competent and complete health care.
I desire to enter an exciting family practice residency program that will provide the needed training to work in a private practice or to teach in an academic or hospital setting. I also wish for a friendly and supportive environment where the faculty, residents, and staff work together as a collaborative team. Finally, I seek a residency program not only to facilitate my future career in medicine, but also would encourage me to continue to develop into the physician I envisioned. My greatest goal is to challenge myself to be the best physician I can be, without any regrets, and to “dream of things that never were and say, Why Not”.

Post Author: fool